Δευτέρα, Σεπτεμβρίου 18, 2006

Alombar42 and THE game (post in english)

As you may know, I am designing a web-based game. An RPG.
A Massively Multiuser Online Role-Playing Game.

I can't say much now, but what I know for sure is that it will contain features, never seen in a game before!

There is a certain aim: make it the biggest game ever. And it is feasible.
I would also like to make it the best too, so I'd love your input - ideas, comments and any kind of help, are very very welcome. I'm also looking for the game's name.

I will keep you updated - I'll create a blog just for the game's progress. In the meantime, I have a forum, where you can also meet some interesting people: http://www.alombar42.com/forum/. I also have a backup account in neopets: alombar42_backup.

Since neopets do not want me as a player, they will have to welcome me as a competitor. Isn't that scary? ;)


Το καλοκαίρι πήγαμε διακοπές στη Βόρεια Εύβοια (Βασιλικά, Ψαροπούλι).
Κάθε πρωί παραγγέλναμε το φαγητό που θέλαμε να μας μαγειρέψει η κυρία εκεί - πολύ καλή μαγείρισσα.

Δυστυχώς, το καλό φαγητό έχει και τις συνέπειές του, όπως όλες οι αμαρτίες. Πρέπει να πήρα μερικά κιλά, όπως βλέπετε!

Στη φωτογραφία ο... ιπποπούτανος, που λέει και ο μικρός!

Κυριακή, Σεπτεμβρίου 17, 2006

Σας βλέπω!

Ζούμε αν και δε βασιλεύουμε... ακόμα :)